The following information is provided only as a guide and should be confirmed with the appropriate overseas market authorities before embarking on any export activities.
Under the terms of the United States-Jordan Free Trade Area Agreement (FTA), which entered into force on December 17, 2001, duties were eliminated on most products, including textile, apparel, footwear, and travel goods. For more information, see the U.S.-Jordan FTA web page.
Products from the United States that do not qualify under the FTA rules are subject to Jordan’s MFN rates of duty (see the tariff table below). Jordan applies percent ad valorem duties on the c.i.f. (cost, insurance, and freight) value of imports.
For more information on Jordan’s tariff rates, see OTEXA’s Foreign Market Reports page.
See additional customs and import regulation information in the Country Commercial Guide for Jordan.
Local standards organization and other resources:
For more information on Jordan’s national standards, accreditation bodies, national testing organization(s) and conformity assessment bodies, see the Trade Standards page of the Country Commercial Guide for Jordan.
Imported products must comply with labeling and marketing requirements issued by the Institute of Standards and Metrology and relevant government ministries. Specific statements are required on labels for certain products including ready-made clothing. All labels must either be in Arabic or have a stick-on label in Arabic. Specific information on labeling and packaging standards is available from the Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO).
For an overview of the different labeling and marking requirements, including any restrictive advertising or labeling practices and where to get more information, see the Labeling/Marking Requirements page on the Country Commercial Guide for Jordan.
In 1996, the U.S. Congress established the Qualifying Industrial Zone (QIZ) initiative to support the peace process in the Middle East. The QIZ initiative allows Egypt and Jordan to export products to the United States duty-free, as long as these products contain inputs from Israel. The QIZ legislation authorizes the President to proclaim elimination of duties on articles produced in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and qualifying industrial zones in Jordan and Egypt. In order to obtain duty-free access to the U.S. market under the initiative, the goods must be produced in designated QIZ factories and meet specific rules of origin requirements. See the section on QIZs for more information.
For information on local customs requirements and documentation, see:
For more information on exporting textiles, apparel, footwear, and travel goods, go to the Additional Market Information Page on the OTEXA Website.