Master of Music Programs

Prospective Master of Music students must audition before a faculty committee; a live audition is an integral part of the application process and should be arranged as early as possible with both the Graduate Office and the appropriate area coordinator. An acceptable graduate-level performance is required at the audition. The audition will ideally be arranged within the published scholarship audition dates (available online at, or contact the Graduate Office at gradmusic at; a recorded audition may be arranged only under extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies, as well as the appropriate area faculty.

Auditions will be conducted by a committee of at least three faculty members. In all cases, auditions should consist of three (four for voice auditions) representative works in different styles, with at least one work performed from memory. For voice and piano applicants, all works must be memorized. If an accompanist is needed, the applicant should supply scores well in advance. Prospective Master of Music students in voice must perform selections in four languages, including English, and must demonstrate proficiency in the four major singing languages: English, Italian, German, and French.

Specific audition requirements by area of study are available on the auditions section of the website. If you have additional questions, please contact the appropriate area coordinator, or the graduate office.

Diagnostic Exams