Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy Crompton Road, Newark

Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy is a primary school located in Newark. According to Ofsted inspection, the school's overall effectiveness, quality of education, outcomes for pupils and management effectiveness are good. The school inspection was carried out on 12/10/2012. According to tests results, the school's progress in writing is well above average, progress in reading and progress in maths are average. The overall pupil absence from this school is 4.2%, which is 0.2 percentage points lower than the UK average.

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Crompton Road, Newark

School Information

Address: Crompton Road, Newark, NG22 8PS
Telephone: 01623870772
School Type: Academy converter
Education phase: Primary
Local authority: Nottinghamshire
Headteacher / Principal: Miss Samantha Leek
Religious character: Does not apply
Admissions policy: Not applicable
Unique reference: 142091