If you want to take advantage of more customizations, we have custom CSS code for you.
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-content p
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-heading
The font type is inherited from the theme. When you change it, it will change automatically for the testimonials as well.
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-field
You can change the testimonial submission form button’s color by using the following code:
.strong-form .wpmtst_submit_testimonial
It’s important to note that the form is un-stylized, therefore the colors will take the theme’s color scheme. Use this code if you want to override that and use a custom color.
The hover color might also be inherited by the theme. If you want to change that as well, use the following code:
.strong-form .wpmtst_submit_testimonial:hover
To change the font content of the testimonial, after font-family, you need to replace ‘Arial’ with the name of the desired font:
.strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-content *, .strong-view .strong-content .wpmtst-testimonial-field
If you want to hide author name from single testimonial page, please add the following code in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
The comments section is displayed there by the theme.
If you want to remove them please add the following code in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
To increase the word count of a testimonial beyond 200 words, please do the following steps:
Strong-testimonials-custom-fields/includes/fields/words-options.php at lines 3 and 10 add what number you want
Strong-testimonials-custom-fields/includes/class-strong-testimonials-word-count.php at line 20 insert the number you want