Dlp test aba routing number sample

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Name Credit Card
Pres. Tiffaney Kris 3489-953085-22624
Linwood Witting 3562-8625-4142-0656
Everette Hane DC 3528-9163-4270-2390
Julienne Corkery 3727-695325-68482
Weston Williamson 3529-2882-8533-5805
Nicolle Boehm 3416-709385-87134
Grover Rempel DO 3013-774342-1327
Clint VonRueden 3026-912513-6031
Carlos Hamill 3013-162623-4857
Odis Graham 3528-7379-8927-3457
Support Ticket

Hi - I applied for an insurance policy online with my SSN 555-45-2296, however the app says an unexpected error occurred. I tried to pay with my credit card, the number is 6771-8994-7891-9748. Could you take a look on your end?

Code Snippet
import stripe stripe.api_key = "sk_live_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dcTYooMQauvdEDq54NiTphI7jx" stripe.Charge.create( amount=2000, currency="usd", source="tok_amex", # obtained with Stripe.js description="Charge for jenny.rosen@example.com" )